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Physics, from the Greek for ‘knowledge of nature’ is a key part of science and technology, which deals with how and why things behave as they do. It is the study of how the Universe works, considering the smallest fundamental particles right up to the largest galaxies and beyond.

‘All science is either Physics or stamp collecting’ – Ernest Rutherford, the father of Nuclear Physics and 1908 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

At CGS we aim to equip our pupils with skills like critical thinking, independent learning and team work. Physics is taught throughout the year groups by experienced and specialist teachers who use a range of teaching strategies.

Physics Staff

  • Mr M Arnold, M.Eng., P.G.C.E.(Curriculum Leader) 
  • Mrs D Gregg B.Sc., P.G.C.E.
  • Technicians:
  • Mr M Callaghan (Castlerock Road)
  • H Pickering B.Sc (Lodge Road)

At KS3 (Years 8, 9 & 10), pupils study Forces, Energy, Electricity, Sound, Light, Motion and Space. Good importance is attached to practical investigation allowing for group work.


At GCSE (Years 11 & 12), following the CCEA specification, the topics studied at KS3 are developed further with new topics like radioactivity & geophysics being introduced.


Again following the CCEA AS & A2 Specification, Year 13 & 14 students develop further the topics studied for GCSE with Particle Physics, Quantum Physics and Fields being introduced.

Studying Physics can lead not only to a career in pure science, but also areas such as engineering, architecture, finance and computing.

Pupils in the past have had the opportunity to go to the Physics Olympiad in Dublin and take part in the Sentinus Team R&D scheme as well as attending QUB for special seminars and visiting the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.