In this section


The Music Department in Coleraine Grammar School is a lively department where a large number of pupils are involved in extra-curricular activities throughout the year.

Tuition is available on strings, woodwind, brass, piano, voice and drum kit on a weekly basis with the Education Authority Music Service and external private music tutors.

Education Authority Music Service staff:


  • Mr Colin Elliott – violin
  • Mrs Madeleine Eves – violin
  • Mrs Gwyneth Reid – lower strings
  • Mr David Gillespie – woodwind
  • Mrs Erin Sion – woodwind
  • Mr Graham Murray – woodwind and brass

Private Tutors:


  • Mrs Erin Armstrong – voice and piano
  • Miss Rebekah Reid – voice and piano
  • Mr David Whiteside – drum kit

Links with the local community


Annual whole school events such as the Carol Service and Spring Concert provide several opportunities for pupils to perform during the school year. There are currently five choirs and two orchestras in the school and any pupil is welcome to join without audition. Smaller groups of pupils are also often involved in providing entertainment in the local community.

Honours in Music


Honours are awarded to pupils who have developed their musical skills to a high level and have combined this level of excellence with a commitment to perform at musical events in school throughout the year.

Music Staff

  • Mr R McCreery BMus, PGCE (Curriculum Leader)
  • Mrs J McCreery BMus, PCGE (Teacher in Charge of Junior Music)
  • Ms S Cameron, Msc, B Mus Hons, MTD (Pastoral Leader)

Music at KS3

Pupils in Years 8 and 9 receive two and a half hours teaching every fortnight where they learn to read music, perform both individually and in a group, compose and perform their own work and develop an appreciation of musical styles. Pupils in Year 10 currently have a fifty minute lesson every week.

The emphasis in the KS3 classroom is on enjoying making music with other people of a similar age. Working together, being creative and fostering a love of music at an early age.

GCSE Level

Find out more about GCSE course content here

The study of music is a challenging and enriching experience. It will involve solo performance and participation in a range of musical activities. You will be expected to show commitment and dedication to developing these skills to a high standard if you choose to study Music post KS3. Students choose to study Music for many different reasons. Since Music involves performance you should be taking lessons on at least one instrument.

Courses Offered

The Revised CCEA GCSE Music course follows a holistic approach to the subject where pupils perform, compose and study music from three Areas of Study i.e. Repeated Patterns in Music, Incidental Music and Vocal Music.

AS/A2 Level

The AS and A2 Level courses allow candidates to choose options according to their musical strengths. During the year they record a composition, prepare for a practical performance and study a wide range of musical styles. The written component of the examination is based on set topics, such as Music for Orchestra 1700-1900, Music for Solo Piano, 1825-1890, Music for Orchestra in the Twentieth Century and New Directions in Twentieth Century Music.