Covid-19 Stormont Update

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Covid 19 Update after Stormont Announcement

Covid-19 Update following Stormont Announcement

Notice for Parents/Carers & Pupils – Interim Update Following the Stormont Announcement

Coleraine Grammar School will be open for all pupils who wish to attend on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March.

School will then be closed for pupils from Monday 23rd March.

On Thursday and Friday this week pupils should 

– use the opportunity with teachers to ensure that they are familiar with the on-line learning environment and Google Classrooms

– make sure they have learning resources for learning at home which teachers have been preparing, and

– make sure all their belongings are taken home from school.

This is interim information following this evening’s announcement. I will post more information on the school web site about how school closure will operate
as the details become clearer in the next few days.

Thank you for your support at this time, and best wishes to everybody.

D Carruthers
